Welome to July! This is the month for cookouts, sunscreen and BEACH READS! (Seriously though, don’t forget the sunscreen.) As always, the staff at BGM Library are here to provide free fun for all ages, so let’s get into what’s coming up!
Preschoolers thru Lower Grades
Week One
– Wednesday, July 5 at 3:30 – All About Whales
(This program will be repeated on Saturday, July 9th at 10:30 AM)
Story time……. Ms. Jane will be reading Commotion
in the Ocean by Giles Andrae and has a fun whale craft planned.
Tweens/ Middle Schoolers
Week One – Wednesday, July 6 at 5 – 5:45 PM – All About
Whales or come when you can.
Challenge 1: Help us research and display facts
about whales… There is so much to learn and to share with our community
Challenge 2: What are the names of our Earth’s oceans?
Can you name, locate, and spell correctly the top five oceans on our earth??
Challenge 3: Bring a friend and play a few games
of Go Fish! Extra credit if you go home and play with a sibling!
Challenge 4: Set your reading goal for Week One
and read!
When you have checked off all four challenges for the first
week we will reward you with stickers and you will qualify for some fun prizes
at the end of Summer Reading! You can stop by the library anytime to work on
these challenges but, if you want to have fun with other tweens, stop by on
Wednesdays from 5 to 5:45.
Your very favorite Beach Reads
display is up and going… What is summer without a fun read one can not put
down, a glass of iced tea, and lazy days!
Looking forward to seeing you in the library… I am happy to report that I am feeling much
better and have a pile of new books to process just for you!
Susan and
the Library Ladies
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