Monday, March 29, 2021

April 2021...a whole new season at Byron G Merrill Library!


Congratulations to Rainey Durham!    Rainey, an excellent guesser, was able to correctly identify how many gold coins our Irish leprechaun placed in our library. Good going Rainey! Hope you enjoy your special prizes.


National Library Week – April 4th – 10th 2021 – Welcome to Your Library!

    Join us as we celebrate Byron G Merrill Library’s 107th year. This year’s theme, “Welcome to Your Library,” promotes the idea that libraries extend far beyond the four walls of a building – and that everyone is welcome to use their services. During the pandemic libraries have been going above and beyond to adapt to our changing world by expanding their resources and continuing to meet the needs of their users. Whether people visit in person or virtually, libraries offer opportunities for everyone to explore new worlds and become their best selves through access to technology, multimedia content, and educational programs.

          Throughout the month of April, we will be welcoming patrons old and new. You are invited to apply for borrowing privileges, renew your card (cards expire at the end of 3 years), sign up for “downloadable” eBooks and audios, peruse our Book Sale offerings, and, of course, check out books! We look forward to seeing you in person or “on-line”!

Story Time and Other Fun Things... Each week we post a new story time for our 2 - 7  year age youngsters. Take a look and let us know if there is a special story you would like us to add to our collection. (Click on Story Time over to the left and select a story. You will, from time to time also see some book reviews.)

Book Review and a Special Treat…     On a mountain somewhere above treeline, in some of the coldest and worst winter conditions imaginable, two men lie unconscious in the snow as explosive winds batter the nearby summits.

          In The Last Traverse: Tragedy and Resilience in the Winter Whites, New Hampshire author, Ty Gagne, masterfully lays out the events that led up to an epic and legendary rescue attempt in severe and dangerous winter conditions in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. More than a cautionary tale, it is a tribute to all the volunteers and professionals who willingly put themselves in harm’s way to save lives. This is a must read for anyway who hikes the Whites.

      And now for the special surprise! We have been invited to join Gilford Public Library’s Author Series – Wednesday, April 7th at 5 PM  – a discussion and presentation with author Ty Gagne. It will be on Zoom and all you need to do is register. Click here to register


National Poetry Month…

          National Poetry Month is a literary celebration which is celebrated all over the world by millions of people. The purpose of this holiday is to mark the importance of poetry in our lives and to remember the great poets who created this poetry. We all have great memories of hearing and learning special poems throughout the years. I still remember, as a fourth grader, memorizing The Children’s Hour by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. That same year, my dear aunts, took me to visit his home on Brattle Street in Cambridge and we share the same birthday! In 2019. our granddaughter participated in Poetry Out Loud at the NH State House in Concord. How exciting it was to listen to these talented high school finalists from around the state and how proud we were of our Cate.

          How do you plan to celebrate this special month. Of course we have a few suggestions!

·         * Write a haiku about the library and share it with us
 * Check out one of poetry collections
*  Read a poem by a New Hampshire author…. Just look in the NH section
 * Go to Play Store and download a ‘Poem a Day’ app on your phone

Awesome Book Sale in Progress...    We have several bookcases in the lower lobby packed full with wonderful books looking for a new home. Sheila has everything tidy with fiction books arranged in order alphabetically by author. We also have a large nonfiction area with all sorts of offerings. We are constantly receiving donations so our sale always has something new!  As usual, we ask that you make a donation to help with our library projects.

Wishing everyone a wonderful April…. for the latest updates!


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