Friday, July 3, 2020

It is July and We Are Open (Sorta)....

We will be ‘Open’ but by appointment


The staff will be manning the library on a reduced schedule, Wednesdays from 2 until 5 and Saturdays from 10 until noon.  We will be scheduling appointments for singles or bubbles every half hour, so, if you feel comfortable visiting the library, email me at for your special time to come. If these times do not work for you, let me know, and we will do our best to accommodate you at other times.

When you arrive for your ‘appointment’, please come to the front door, knock, and we will invite you in. We ask that you wear a mask, apply hand sanitizer (which we have on hand) as you enter and keep your visit brief.  You will then be free to return your books, peruse the stacks and make your selection. This is new to us too so please bear with us.

We will continue to pull books (email Susan with your request) and leave them on the porch at 36 Buffalo Road for you to pick up. We are now into our third month and have been getting busier, so you will notice that, on the porch, we have one bench for books to be picked up and a second bench for books being returned. It is not easy for us to always keep track of what is coming and what is going!!

This is the current plan for July keeping all of us socially distanced, safe, and reading. You are welcome to check back for any updates and share any ideas you might have. We look forward to seeing you, or at least, keeping in touch! Enjoy the summer and stay safe!

Susan and the Library Ladies

Byron G Merrill Library, 10 Buffalo Road, Rumney NH 03266

‘Open’ by appointment on Wednesdays 2-5 and Saturdays 10-12

Keep in touch... Reach Susan at

and Jane at

You are our priority!

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