Monday, April 27, 2020
April 2020... What's Happening at the Library?!
April Update from the Library…
Such frustrating times for all of us and we cannot begin to tell you how much we miss your regular visits to Byron G Merrill… The library is closed at least through May 4th and possibly longer. For the latest coronavirus information go to New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.
We are using precautions as we duck in and out of the library and my porch is serving as a pick up and drop off area. Returned books are being sanitized and quarantined before being returned to the shelves. We ask that you drop off books you are finished with so that we can take care of them properly and have them ready for others. Please leave books on the bench on my porch – 36 Buffalo Road – with your name.
While you are unable to come into the library, you still have a couple of options for reading material.
You many request books from our library by emailing me at and I will leave books on my porch for you to pick up. If you use Gmail I can forward a list of the books that we have in our collection.
Perhaps you would like a bag (10-12) of picture books for your little ones… If so, Jane will put a bag together for you, and I will set it out on my porch.
You may also access books on line from the state library by using your NH Overdrive password. If you need a password or help on how to get started you may contact Jane at Rumney is part of a statewide consortium that allows us to download eBooks and audio books. Like a library, copies are limited and you may be placed on a waiting list and will be notified when the download is available. Some titles are always available.
Since we miss our book chats with you at the circulation desk, here is something you can do. We will be posting on Facebook about new books arriving at the library and about books we are reading. Please join right in and tell us about what you have been reading or titles of books you are anxious to read. Let’s have some fun discussion.
We have two reminders of forms that are soon due…
The 2020 Census is required by the Constitution and the United States has counted its population every ten years since 1790. 2020 marks the first time that you can provide your information online, by phone or by mail. is your best source for responding to the census and finding more information. There are just a few questions concerning who is living in your home as of April 1st and only takes a few minutes.
Another form that is due is the 2020 Inventory of Taxable Property that you should have received in the mail from the town clerk. This form, which we fill out each year, is due back by April 15th.
We, your librarians, are all fine and hope you are too. We continue to post on Facebook so check there for updates… We miss you! Off I go to wash my hands… again!
Susan, Jane, Rachel, and Sheila…
March 2020... What's Happening at the Library??
Spring is around the corner - we hope! Spring is in the air with the onset of March and its town meetings, daylight savings time, and maple sugaring.
Rumney residents are encouraged to show their support of the library by voting on Tuesday, March 10. One of our dedicated Library Trustees, Lorrie Eaton is on the ballot and would appreciate your vote. Our Trustees are very involved in our programming and events, as well as lots of behind the scenes details. We appreciate all their support to keep things humming along at the library. Be sure to head to Rumney town meeting on Thursday, March 12 as well to support the library budget. This helps to continue the many services the library offers to the residents of Rumney.
Children are invited to celebrate the birthday of beloved author, Dr. Seuss during the first week of March with a fun scavenger hunt throughout the library that you can do at your own pace. Can you find 12 pictures of Thing One and Thing Two? A little treat for those who do! Jane will continue the Dr. Seuss fun at preschool storytime on Wednesdays at 10am (please utilize the rear entrance).
The month of March will also feature new book displays on a variety of topics - come on in and find something new to read!
Wednesdays at 10 am... Preschool Story Time With Jane... We’re inviting Moms/Dads/caretakers and little ones to join us on March 4, 11, 18, and 25 as we have fun together reading, singing songs, playing games, completing a craft and even doing some yoga. The children have fun and the adults have time to just be.
Tuesday, March 10 Local voting at Russell Elementary School and Thursday, March 12 Town Meeting
Byron G Merrill Library, 10 Buffalo Road, Rumney NH 03266
Open Wednesday 1 – 5, Thursday 1- 5, and Saturday 10 – 1
Email us at,, or
Like us on Facebook and message us there as well
New Blog....
Website coming next!
See you at the Library! Susan and the Library Ladies
Sunday, April 26, 2020
February 2020... What is Happening at the Library?!
Happy February from all of us at Byron G Merrill Library! We have all been busy as bees completing the end of year reports for the Town of Rumney and the State of New Hampshire, packing up our holiday decorations, hosting a Decoration Swap, and getting ready for our Valentine Day Kick-Off! We have a special event planned and hope you will be able to join us.
This month at the library...
• Wednesdays at 10 am... Preschool Story Time With Jane... We’re inviting Moms/Dads/caretakers and little ones to join us on February 5, 12, 19 and 26 as we have fun together reading, singing songs, playing games, completing a craft and even doing some yoga. The children have fun and the adults have time to just be.
• Friday, February 7th at 6:30....Our Valentines Day Kick-Off! We’re planning a fun party for all of us ... Bring the family for cookie decorating and a hot chocolate bar, Valentine making with Jane, adult coloring with Rachel, a new puzzle with Sheila, and a ‘Love Song’ sing along with Patty and Carrie! And you are welcome to bring a game along... A sign up sheet will be on the desk so we can plan accordingly...
• A new session of gentle yoga and relaxation with Michelle and Wendy will be starting on Monday, February 17th at 6:30 downstairs in Merrill Hall... Want to know more? Contact Wendy at
See you at the Library! Susan and the Library Ladies
Byron G Merrill Library, 10 Buffalo Road, Rumney NH 03266
Open Wednesday 1 – 5, Thursday 1- 5, and Saturday 10 – 1
Email us at,, or
Like us on Facebook and message us there as well
New Blog....
Website coming next!
January 2020... What is Happening at the Library?!
Happy January from all of us at Byron G Merrill Library! Christmas and the twelve days that follow have come and gone and yet we still look a little bit festive. Our project this week will be packing up the holiday decorations and moving into January. We are going through our decorations and deciding what we can part with for our upcoming Christmas Decorations Swap! Won’t you do the same? We all have things that no longer warm our hearts but perhaps will warm someone else’s heart. You are welcome to drop off any decorations you are no longer using at the library on or before Saturday, January 18th.
As we start the New Year we have a few personnel changes in responsibilities.... Sheila will continue to man the circulation desk, oversee the fiction section, and process our many new books. Rachel’s new title is Public Relations and her tasks will include circulating our monthly email update, submitting a monthly article to the Plymouth Record, posting on facebook, coordinating special events and managing our new website which will be up and running shortly. Jane is our new children’s librarian. Her Wednesday morning programs for preschoolers have been well received and this month we will add a monthly program for children in grades kindergarten through fourth grade.
We have planned a few Special Events for January and hope you will be able to join us.
• Wednesdays at 10 am Preschool Story Time With Jane... We’re inviting Moms, Dads, caretakers and little ones to join us on January 8, 15 and 22 as we have fun together reading a story, singing a song, playing a game, and completing a craft. (There will be no story time on Jan 29th)
• Thursday, Jan 9th at 2 ... Rumney Knitters. We will have the teapot brewing so bring along a project and join us for the afternoon. Everyone is invited! What do you have started for the New Year??
• Friday, January 17th at 6 - 8.....Game night! Join us for pizza and fun as we celebrate TGIF. We will provide the pizza... You bring games and sides and we will guarantee a fun evening. We invite all ages!
• Saturday, January 18th 10 – 11 Books and Crafts Jane has a fun time planned for children in kindergarten thru fourth grade. We’ll talk about books, have time to sign up for a library card, and work on a fun craft. Hope you can join us.
• Tuesday, January 21st from 6:30 until 8. Candy Cane Club! Several of us have learned that a “planned’ Christmas season is way more enjoyable than the alternative. We meet several times throughout the year and share our ideas. This year we will be sponsoring a Christmas Decorations Swap! Hope you will stop in and check us out!
• Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday January 22, 23, and 25 Christmas Decorations Swap sponsored by who else but our Christmas Club! Please bring in decorations you are no longer using on or before Saturday, January 18th. We will have them all available January 22-25 for you to “shop”.
New books include:
• The Confession Club by Elizabeth Berg (Loved it!)
• The Guardians by John Grisham (a murder in Florida)
• The Overdue Life of Amy Byler by Kelly Harms (I’m reading this next)
• Winter in Paradise and What Happens in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand (Loved them both, unfortunately we have to wait for #3 and the conclusion)
• The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell (Good read but some strange characters)
• The Girl Who Lived Twice by Stieg Larsson/David Lagercrantz (#6 in the Lisbeth Salender saga)
• Normal People by Sally Rooney (a new author for us and a book I am most anxious to read)
• The Dark Side and Blessing in Disguise by Danielle Steel (the first deals with the dark side of motherhood and the second with three sisters with three different fathers...interesting)
• This is Happiness by Niall Williams (Irish and on my list)
• Wild Card and Contraband by Stuart Woods (#49 and #50 in the Stone Barrington series... Yikes)
January is a month to enjoy the out of doors but also to curl up with a good book and we have lots of new books to choose from... do take a look at the list above!
See you at the Library! Susan and the Library Ladies
Byron G Merrill Library, 10 Buffalo Road, Rumney NH 03266
Open Wednesday 1 – 5, Thursday 1- 5, and Saturday 10 – 1
Email us at,, or
Like us on Facebook and message us there as well
New Blog....
Website coming next!
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11/20/2024.... A good time to start a new series.... Just going on the shelves... the first three books of Ann Cleeves's series, Detec...

Byron G Merrill Library – 10 Buffalo Road – Rumney NH 03266 Website – Open Mondays 10-1 and 3-5:30, Wednesdays, 1-5:...
7/15/2024... New Books (in no particular order) just in!! New from James Patterson... a book we could not resist... ...
11/20/2024.... A good time to start a new series.... Just going on the shelves... the first three books of Ann Cleeves's series, Detec...